Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu R

A surreal gag anime about female junior high school students who along with mysterious creatures attend a junior high school set in the real Kashiwa town, together loosely conveying the charm of Kashiwa with contents related to the town and its events.

Watch Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu R Online

Genres : Comedy, Fantasy
Status : Completed
Type : Series
Released : Jul 6, 2020 to Sep 28, 2020

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Watch Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu R Episodes Online
A surreal gag anime about female junior high school students who along with mysterious creatures attend a junior high school set in the real Kashiwa town, together loosely conveying the charm of Kashiwa with contents related to the town and its events.