The story revolves around two high school students Akemi and Yumiko, who share a mysterious intertwining past lives. Akemi bullied at school but a genius has managed to create a demon summoning program to get revenge but chaos ensues. The OVA is based off the first of Aya Nishitani's Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei novels.
The story revolves around two high school students Akemi and Yumiko, who share a mysterious intertwining past lives. Akemi bullied at school but a genius has managed to create a demon summoning program to get revenge but chaos ensues. The OVA is based off the first of Aya Nishitani's Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei novels.
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- All Digital Devil Monogatari Megami Tensei Episodes
Released on 21 Nov, 2013
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