In the distant future, monsters and inhumans roam the land, and the ruling Evil King seeks a human woman to bear him powerful, force-adept heirs. Non offers herself to the Evil King in order to save her village from Ape Clan raiders, and gives him twin sons, Loof and Jin. She and her sons are exiled by the ungrateful villagers, however, and Non's companion Nue (a Demon Clan member changed into a wolf for disobedience) takes Loof to be raised by his father, the Evil King. The Evil One's Queen Parome despises humans, however, and her malevolence towards Loof deepens...
In the distant future, monsters and inhumans roam the land, and the ruling Evil King seeks a human woman to bear him powerful, force-adept heirs. Non offers herself to the Evil King in order to save her village from Ape Clan raiders, and gives him twin sons, Loof and Jin. She and her sons are exiled by the ungrateful villagers, however, and Non's companion Nue (a Demon Clan member changed into a wolf for disobedience) takes Loof to be raised by his father, the Evil King. The Evil One's Queen Parome despises humans, however, and her malevolence towards Loof deepens...
Watch Genma Taisen: Shinwa Zenya no Shou (Dub) Online
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Episode 013
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 012
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 011
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 010
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 009
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 008
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 007
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 006
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 005
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 004
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 003
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 002
Released on 10 Dec, 2015 -
Episode 001
Released on 10 Dec, 2015
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Genma Taisen: Shinwa Zenya no Shou (Sub)
In the distant future, monsters and inhumans roam the land, and the ruling Evil King seeks a human w...
Harmagedon (Sub)
From the depths of space he is coming... Ancient beyond understanding, his power is immeasurable. H...
Flag (Dub)
In 20xx, a civil war broke out in a small country in Asia in spite of the dispatch of UN forces. But...
Harmagedon (Dub)
From the depths of space he is coming... Ancient beyond understanding, his power is immeasurable. H...
Gun Frontier (Dub)
It is a harsh and barren wasteland, where the weak aren't allowed to dream. It is also a sacred land...
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