High school student Himiko Himejima finds her life change forever when a mysterious flame appears before her one day. Along with her schoolmate Kutani Masahiko, Himiko is transported by the flame to an ancient kingdom known as Yamatai. The Yamatai kingdom has recently come under the attack of the Kune empire during its ritual to select a queen among six candidates. As the evil general of Kune creates an army of undead for power, the six queen candidates lead a resistance force to overthrow the Kune empire. Himiko and Kutani soon find themselves fighting alongside the queen candidates to save the kindgom. With some new-found power, Himiko and Kutani slowly realize their links to the ancient world and discover the power of the sacred flame.
High school student Himiko Himejima finds her life change forever when a mysterious flame appears before her one day. Along with her schoolmate Kutani Masahiko, Himiko is transported by the flame to an ancient kingdom known as Yamatai. The Yamatai kingdom has recently come under the attack of the Kune empire during its ritual to select a queen among six candidates. As the evil general of Kune creates an army of undead for power, the six queen candidates lead a resistance force to overthrow the Kune empire. Himiko and Kutani soon find themselves fighting alongside the queen candidates to save the kindgom. With some new-found power, Himiko and Kutani slowly realize their links to the ancient world and discover the power of the sacred flame.
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- All Himiko-Den (Dub) Episodes
Episode 012
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 011
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 010
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 009
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 008
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 007
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 006
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 005
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 004
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 003
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 002
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Episode 001
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Released on 23 Jun, 2015 -
Released on 23 Jun, 2015
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