Mikio Osawa, an average 5th grade school boy, lives in the suburbs of Osaka. Mikio likes Haruko Tezuka, a cute little girl in his class. However, Mikio is too shy and withdrawn to tell Haruko that he likes her. One day, Mikio's close friend Megane brings news that Haruko is about to move away to another town...
Kaede Newtown is a romantic comedy animation created by Naoto Iwakiri, an Osaka-born illustrator. With cute little characters and music created by Japanese band Aprils and singer-songwriter TOMOVSKY, Kaede Newtown takes you back to the good ol' town you lived in during the good ol' days of your childhood.
Mikio Osawa, an average 5th grade school boy, lives in the suburbs of Osaka. Mikio likes Haruko Tezuka, a cute little girl in his class. However, Mikio is too shy and withdrawn to tell Haruko that he likes her. One day, Mikio's close friend Megane brings news that Haruko is about to move away to another town...
Kaede Newtown is a romantic comedy animation created by Naoto Iwakiri, an Osaka-born illustrator. With cute little characters and music created by Japanese band Aprils and singer-songwriter TOMOVSKY, Kaede Newtown takes you back to the good ol' town you lived in during the good ol' days of your childhood.
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Released on 15 Oct, 2014
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