Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...
Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...
Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
Watch Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka (Sub) Online
- All Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka (Sub) Episodes
Episode 012
Released on 30 Mar, 2019 -
Episode 011
Released on 23 Mar, 2019 -
Episode 010
Released on 16 Mar, 2019 -
Episode 009
Released on 09 Mar, 2019 -
Episode 008
Released on 02 Mar, 2019 -
Episode 007
Released on 23 Feb, 2019 -
Episode 006
Released on 16 Feb, 2019 -
Episode 005
Released on 09 Feb, 2019 -
Episode 004
Released on 02 Feb, 2019 -
Episode 003
Released on 26 Jan, 2019 -
Episode 002
Released on 19 Jan, 2019 -
Episode 001
Released on 12 Jan, 2019
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