Oh! Super Milk-chan (Sub)

Milk-chan is a drooling, potty-mouthed baby who lives in an apartment with an obsolete robot named Tetsuko, a slug named Hanage, and an uncontrollable pet named Robodog. Whenever the President calls, Milk-chan and the gang rush to the scene to solve any type of problem - whether it's stopping a money counterfeiter hungry for Belgian waffles or counselling a school of drunk fish. At the same time, they have to avoid a nagging landlord, as they're six months behind their rent.

Notes: the last two episodes were never subbed 

Watch Oh! Super Milk-chan (Sub) Online

Genres : Action, Comedy, Parody, Sci-Fi
Status : Completed
Type : Series
Released : Jan 27, 2000 to Apr 13, 2000

  • All Oh! Super Milk-chan (Sub) Episodes
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