A collaborative effort between the Japanese automaker and Japanese anime company Studio 4°C, PES: Peace Eco Smile is a new web promotional anime series that centers around PES, a traveller from space, and NaSuBi, a mysterious life-form who is enamored by the charm of Earth. The car of choice for these strangers in a new world? The Prius, particularly the Prius Liftback and Prius C hatchback. These two hybrids seem to be as much a part of this series as the two main characters are. A Lexus LFA (likely the ride of the antagonist) and the Toyota Camry hybrid also have a role to play.
Each anime short in the campaign will be three to four minutes long and will be posted on Toyota's specially-dedicated website.
A collaborative effort between the Japanese automaker and Japanese anime company Studio 4°C, PES: Peace Eco Smile is a new web promotional anime series that centers around PES, a traveller from space, and NaSuBi, a mysterious life-form who is enamored by the charm of Earth. The car of choice for these strangers in a new world? The Prius, particularly the Prius Liftback and Prius C hatchback. These two hybrids seem to be as much a part of this series as the two main characters are. A Lexus LFA (likely the ride of the antagonist) and the Toyota Camry hybrid also have a role to play.
Each anime short in the campaign will be three to four minutes long and will be posted on Toyota's specially-dedicated website.
Watch PES: Peace Eco Smile Online
- All PES: Peace Eco Smile Episodes
Episode 007
Released on 24 Sep, 2014 -
Episode 006
Released on 24 Sep, 2014 -
Episode 005
Released on 24 Sep, 2014 -
Episode 004
Released on 24 Sep, 2014 -
Episode 003
Released on 24 Sep, 2014 -
Episode 002
Released on 24 Sep, 2014 -
Episode 001
Released on 24 Sep, 2014
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