Manga creator Satoshi Mizukami (Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Spirit Circle) announced a new original mecha anime and manga project titled Planet With on Friday. Mizukami said that the project is based on a concept he began working on four years ago, and that he has drawn 1,074 pages of manga storyboards for the project.
Manga creator Satoshi Mizukami (Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Spirit Circle) announced a new original mecha anime and manga project titled Planet With on Friday. Mizukami said that the project is based on a concept he began working on four years ago, and that he has drawn 1,074 pages of manga storyboards for the project.
Watch Planet With (Sub) Online
- All Planet With (Sub) Episodes
Episode 012
Released on 23 Sep, 2018 -
Episode 011
Released on 16 Sep, 2018 -
Episode 010
Released on 09 Sep, 2018 -
Episode 009
Released on 02 Sep, 2018 -
Episode 008
Released on 26 Aug, 2018 -
Episode 007
Released on 20 Aug, 2018 -
Episode 006
Released on 12 Aug, 2018 -
Episode 005
Released on 05 Aug, 2018 -
Episode 004
Released on 29 Jul, 2018 -
Episode 003
Released on 22 Jul, 2018 -
Episode 002
Released on 15 Jul, 2018 -
Episode 001
Released on 07 Jul, 2018
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