The project's premise follows Kouta Hasegawa, a high school boy that loves the yellow Pom Pom Purin dog. By mere coincidence, he ends up attending the same school as Yuu Mizuno, a boy who likes the bunny My Melody. Yuu tells Kouta that there's nothing to be ashamed of for liking Sanrio's cute characters. Together, Kouta, Yuu, Shunsuke Yoshino, Ryou Nishimiya, and Seiichirou Minamoto learn to accept their love of the characters instead of feeling embarrassed.
The project's premise follows Kouta Hasegawa, a high school boy that loves the yellow Pom Pom Purin dog. By mere coincidence, he ends up attending the same school as Yuu Mizuno, a boy who likes the bunny My Melody. Yuu tells Kouta that there's nothing to be ashamed of for liking Sanrio's cute characters. Together, Kouta, Yuu, Shunsuke Yoshino, Ryou Nishimiya, and Seiichirou Minamoto learn to accept their love of the characters instead of feeling embarrassed.
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- All Sanrio Danshi Episodes
Episode 012
Released on 24 Mar, 2018 -
Episode 011
Released on 17 Mar, 2018 -
Episode 010
Released on 10 Mar, 2018 -
Episode 009
Released on 03 Mar, 2018 -
Episode 008
Released on 24 Feb, 2018 -
Episode 007
Released on 17 Feb, 2018 -
Episode 006
Released on 10 Feb, 2018 -
Episode 005
Released on 03 Feb, 2018 -
Episode 004
Released on 28 Jan, 2018 -
Episode 003
Released on 20 Jan, 2018 -
Episode 002
Released on 13 Jan, 2018 -
Episode 001
Released on 06 Jan, 2018 -
Released on 06 Jan, 2018
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