Sometime in the distant future, Kurumi, Saki and Karinka share an apartment with another girl named Excelia. One day, after school, Kurumi tells everyone that she is in love with a man she met named Michihito Kagura, but she doesn't know when she will see him again.
Sometime in the distant future, Kurumi, Saki and Karinka share an apartment with another girl named Excelia. One day, after school, Kurumi tells everyone that she is in love with a man she met named Michihito Kagura, but she doesn't know when she will see him again.
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- All Steel Angel Kurumi Zero Episodes
Episode 003
Released on 25 Oct, 2016 -
Episode 002
Released on 25 Oct, 2016 -
Episode 001
Released on 25 Oct, 2016
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