Tales of Phantasia The Animation (Dub)

Cless Alvein, a young swordsman from the town of Totus, along with his friend Mint Adnade, a healer with the talent of Mana, are sent back in time to defeat Dhaos, a sorcerer imprisoned by their parents decades ago. Along with the help of the archer Chester Barklight, the summoner Klarth F. Lester and the half-elf Arche Klaine, they seek to right the wrongs of Dhaos and return peace to the land. Based on the 1995 Super Famicom Game by NAMCO, "Tales of Phantasia."

Watch Tales of Phantasia The Animation (Dub) Online

Status : Completed
Type : Series
Released : Nov 25, 2004 to Feb 24, 2006

  • All Tales of Phantasia The Animation (Dub) Episodes
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