Ran is a bright and energetic first-grader in junior high school who possesses supernatual abilities. Together with Midori (her friend who also has supernatural powers) and Rui, the threesome are constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances. Ran is troubled by her powers because it seems to spark off the ill intentions of people in contact with her. However, with the support of her family and peers, Ran learns to deal with her 'other' side and accepts who she is. The threesome also learn how to team up as a whole and solve these mysterious events.
Ran is a bright and energetic first-grader in junior high school who possesses supernatual abilities. Together with Midori (her friend who also has supernatural powers) and Rui, the threesome are constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances. Ran is troubled by her powers because it seems to spark off the ill intentions of people in contact with her. However, with the support of her family and peers, Ran learns to deal with her 'other' side and accepts who she is. The threesome also learn how to team up as a whole and solve these mysterious events.
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Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 026
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 025
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 024
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 023
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 022
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 021
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 020
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 019
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 018
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 017
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 016
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 015
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 014
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 013
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 012
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 011
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 010
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 009
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 008
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 007
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Telepathy Shoujo Ran Episode 006
Released on 18 Mar, 2015
Episode 026
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 025
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 024
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 023
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 022
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 021
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 020
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 019
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 018
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 017
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 016
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 015
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 014
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 013
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 012
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 011
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 010
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 009
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 008
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 007
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 006
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 005
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 004
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 003
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 002
Released on 18 Mar, 2015 -
Episode 001
Released on 18 Mar, 2015
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