The plot revolves around Doki, a female rabbit, meeting, falling in love with, and chasing Nabi, a male cat, in a world where love between the two species is socially unacceptable. The theme of the short is that all love can be accepted and has a chance. Nabi attempts to cure Doki's infatuation for him, but after seeing the extent of her love, he gives in and finds something he can appreciate in her.
The plot revolves around Doki, a female rabbit, meeting, falling in love with, and chasing Nabi, a male cat, in a world where love between the two species is socially unacceptable. The theme of the short is that all love can be accepted and has a chance. Nabi attempts to cure Doki's infatuation for him, but after seeing the extent of her love, he gives in and finds something he can appreciate in her.
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- All There She Is!! Episodes
Episode 005
Released on 16 Dec, 2012 -
Episode 004
Released on 16 Dec, 2012 -
Episode 003
Released on 16 Dec, 2012 -
Episode 003
Released on 16 Dec, 2012 -
Episode 002
Released on 16 Dec, 2012 -
Episode 001
Released on 16 Dec, 2012
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